Seven Small table


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  • Art. 0207

    Largo: 66 cm
    Fondo: 76 cm
    Height: 47 cm

    Do you remember those adorable table games that were in the house of our mothers or grandmothers? Stored one below the other, they changed their location according to the usage they acquired that day. Sometimes, you ran into them when you picked up the phone, sometimes they abandoned themselves on the side of the couch or did their part in the bedroom or living room to have a coffee with the neighbors. In a nod to all those shared memories, we have designed these small tables in the Lola Glamour style. Now it's only up to you where to place them and for what purpose. And remember that we can make them in any size and finish.

  • Weight 35 kg
  • Infinitas posibilidades: elija entre diferentes acabados y juegue con las dimensiones y las características interiores.

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