Puzle Cabinet


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  • Art. 0033.1

    Length: 80 cm
    Width: 40 cm
    Height: 166 cm

    The beginning of the puzzle dates back to 1762, when a Londoner named Spilsbury made one by chance, cutting out the shapes of different countries on a wooden panel. Soon its playful use and as an educational pastime became popular among the population to this day. Who has not lost their minds in search of that tiny flat piece that resists us? There is something hypnotic about puzzles, an agonizing desire to make sense of a broken whole. That same concern is the mechanism that Lola Glamour articulates: the desire for eternal play, the union of opposites, the joy of confusion, order in chaos.

    Customizable in size and finish

  • Weight 85 kg
  • Infinitas posibilidades: elija entre diferentes acabados y juegue con las dimensiones y las características interiores.

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