Mueble Manhattan L230


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  • Art. 0061.A

    Length: 230 cm
    Width: 50 cm
    Height: 150 cm

    This composition is the first installment of the "CITIES TO DREAM" series. Our challenge is to reproduce the soul of big cities on the doors and drawers of the Tetris model. It's curling the curl, we know that. And we love it. Our first choice was New York because its image predates the Big Apple itself. It is enough to remember so many films in which he becomes a character with his own entity, to recognize his silhouette even without having traveled there. As if it were a model, composition, work and harmony, added to hundreds of details and materials, make this piece of furniture a place to dream.

    Detrás de estos edificios se encuentran cinco puertas (cuatro de ellas con balda interior) y un cajón.

  • Weight 160 kg
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