Copa Small table


21% VAT not included

  • Art. 0218.2

    Length: 50 cm
    Width: 50 cm
    Height: 50 cm

    As if they were mushrooms scattered in the field, that's how we like to place the little tables in our showrooms. We got the idea from that indefatigable mycological hobby of our land, which we share not only in gastronomy, but also in the cold and humid dawns that house these delicacies. When you catch a glimpse of one, in the distance, among the dewy undergrowth, you are filled with sincere satisfaction, as full as the one we see on the faces of our wide-eyed visitors, who don't know where to look first.

    Customizable in size and finish

  • Weight 25 kg
  • Infinitas posibilidades: elija entre diferentes acabados y juegue con las dimensiones y las características interiores.

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