Realia Chest of Drawers


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  • Art. 38171

    Length: 145 cm
    Width: 47 cm
    Height: 90 cm

    The Realia chest of drawers redefines originality with its unique design of three stacked and laterally shifted modules, creating a visual play of cantilevered sections that add dynamism and modernity to any space. Two of the modules are made of natural wood, highlighting the richness of their grain, while the third module, inspired by our iconic Reina series, adds an elegant visual contrast with its decorative finish.

    Each module features a spacious and functional drawer, with interiors decorated with geometric textures. The structure is completed with a delicate turned leg that supports the central module, merging classic and contemporary elements into a single piece.

  • Weight 80 kg
  • Infinitas posibilidades: elija entre diferentes acabados y juegue con las dimensiones y las características interiores.

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